
Showing posts from June, 2020

Market Women, Okada Riders Engage in War of Words in Auchi Sacred Kingdom

Market Women, Okada Riders Engage in War of Words in Auchi Sacred Kingdom Add caption By: Jeremiah Enaholo Kadiri +234 806 9055 018   Some sort of drama ensued on Monday at Uchi Market in Auchi Sacred Kingdom between Okada Riders and Market women and this brought about a bitter confrontation between the duo. Problem started when a portion of the road leading into the market from the I.C.E/Cemetery axis became so bad to the extent that women selling in the area were beginning to find it difficult to use the road for their daily activities. They decided to contract an Aboki to help sand-fill the parts that have been eroded and savage the muddy pot-holes therein. In anticipation of the work, the women according to one of the marketers in the area had contacted some familiar bike riders using same route to collaborate in bettering the road. This arrangement however, didn’t yield any positive response from the bike riders as they refused to pay a dime ...

ROTARY CLUB: Auchi Metropolitan District 9141 Decorates Her New President

ROTARY CLUB: Auchi Metropolitan District 9141 Decorates Her New President “Rotary is the Way to Go, We have Impacted more Lives than We can Count” _Yekini Sado   By: Jeremiah Enaholo Kadiri +234 806 9055 018   The Rotary Club of Auchi Metropolitan District 9141 has held her in-house handing over ceremony on Saturday in view of the oncoming 1st of July which marks the beginning of her new year and the expiration term of the outgoing District 9141 Exco. The occasion was held at Meremu Hotel in Auchi Sacred Kingdom to mark the last official function of the outgoing Rotrn. Abdulrasheed Obomeghie-led regime having successfully completed his term in office. In his opening remark, chairman of the organizing committee, Rotrn. Sado Yekini PHF+ stated that the event though low-keyed is a reflection of what is to come on the 5th of September. He explained that the reason for the low key in-house handing over was to engender ...

COVID-19 is Real

1.      Covid-19 IS REAL! 2.      That it is in your best interest to stay at home in order to be safe from contaminating this deadly viral disease. 3.      That it is important to observe safety/precautionary measures such as regular washing of hands, usage of hand sanitizers, cleaning of all surfaces regularly, observing social distancing, keeping the throat moist at all times with warm water, eating healthy/organic/homemade food and sleeping well. ·        Dial 112 or call NCDC on 080097000010 in case of any emergency or if you experience symptoms of Covid-19. ·         For regular updates of verified info about Corona virus visit or @NCDCgov on Facebook and Twitter Auchi Blogspot goes LIVE on Wednesdays and Thursdays via her facebook page @10a.m and 3pm respectively. Do well to like, follow and watch our live sessions as well...