Auchi, Know Ye Where Thou Stand at the Top as September 19th Draws Neigh
Auchi, Know Ye Where Thou Stand at the Top as September 19th Draws Neigh.
By: Jeremiah Enaholo Kadiri
It's sad that at times like these, those we are supposed to look up to for succor are deeply enmeshed in the troubles that travail us.
Truly the canker worm that eats up the wood, lives in the wood.
By this, I call on true sons and daughters of AUCHI Sacred Kingdom to not lose sight of the ongoing land fracas that has resurfaced since last week Saturday when some youths of Warrake announced to Auchi farmers at Ogwaoghodo to henceforth be paying rents to their elders (in Warrake) for cultivating the area agriculture wise.
They have printed forms to this effect and are hell bent on constituting nuisance for no just course even when it is obvious that they are fighting a lost course.
The Otaru of Auchi Sacred Kingdom has posited that hands are on deck to savage the situation but I dare say all well meaning sons and daughters of Auchi must give the requisite support our farmers need to ensure that this storm passes by ASAP.
We are well aware of plans to ensure that our people feel the need not to come out enmass to exercise their franchise come September 19th. A lot of attempts have been made and are still being made just to ensure that quantum votes don't come from the cosmopolitan and fastest developing community in Nigeria _Auchi.
The plan is to keep the voting numbers low just so they can continue to cheat us out of vital political roles in the scheme of things but I say, Auchi vha kha deytor lha lhi, amihie vhi'udeytor!
We must as a matter of urgency and utmost importance come out and vote massively irrespective of our party affiliations, religious inclinations etc to register the fact that we are the political muscle in Edo North and the stronghold around which all others revolve.
All those who are hell bent on towing the part of violence, using politics to divide us, betraying trust, antagonizing our progress, beaming evil eyes on us and so on, they shall be rendered powerless, voiceless, irrelevant, inperceptible, inconsiquential as Auchi Sacred Kingdom rises and continue to rise into lofty enviable heights.
Those within us whose stock in trade is to amplify the evil machinations of our real and perceived enemies, they shall live long enough in pain/anguish to witness the Greatness of Allah upon the Home of Peace, Auchi.
Come September 19th, Auchi vha ghwerey mha tobò shi'òkpéti.
_Enaholo J.K.
With the land issue on hand, all sons and daughters of Auchi should put on their thinking not to make the mistake of voting Shiaubu into power if our farmland is important to us.